With the market alive and kicking once again after the lockdown ease, tradespeople across the UK are at last finding themselves out on the road, on-site, and in customer’s homes every single day. This is undoubtably fantastic for the industry, and we feel that it is still important to ensure that you are keeping yourself, and those you come into contact with, as safe as possible in this post Covid-19 landscape.
Here are Rhino’s Top 5 Tips for keeping safe at work.
Maintain Distance
It is still vital that when possible we should all be reducing the amount of contact we have with others throughout this period. Natural reactions such as hugs and handshakes increase the risk of spreading germs and infection onto others, and although we know that some contact is unavoidable, we can still do our bit to keep a respectful distance from customers and co-workers.
Stay Clean
Making sure that you are armed with sufficient antibacterial gel, wipes and spray is a great way of not only ensuring your own cleanliness, but showing a potential customer that you are taking care of yourself and their safety. Wiping down surfaces and implements that you handle is a very good example of doing your bit to reduce the risk of infection.
Stay Informed
Thankfully the Government guidelines on Covid-19 are now more concise than earlier on in the year, but it is still important to keep abreast of the latest guidance on social distancing and contact whilst on the job. You can keep up to date on the latest CV advice and guidance on Twitter and also online.
Show Respect
Although you may now be back working, and lockdown a mere distant memory, there are still some more vulnerable people that are self-isolating or maintaining stricter social distancing measures. It is always advised that the proper respect is shown to your customers and co-workers who may be affected by CV-19 differently to you. Checking with customers as to what their preference is regarding social distance will make a difference.
Share Information
Although you are putting the measures in place to stay safe and keep others safe as best you can whilst at work, there are many others who won’t be as cautious. Sharing information about CV-19 and showing others a good example of how to work smarter during this post Covid-19 period is something that should be strived towards by any tradesman back on the tools.
It doesn’t take a lot to make a difference when you’re out and about doing jobs. Being back at work is great and we want to ensure that all tradesmen and women who are back out there are being respectful and diligent to keep any threat of CV-19 at an absolute minimum.